The Law of Harmony – Unique piece
Harmony, in the form of a shy deer, sits enthroned above cosmic and earthly events. When it prevails, inertia is mastered through balance, vitality through the proper measure of prudence, and thought through knowledge and truth.
The fawn is found in springtime. It rests upon woodland forget-me-nots, ribwort, woodland primrose, and common wood sorrel. Blossoming bluebells arch their stems to its right and left.
The queen of thought, with the submissive fox at her feet, is found in autumn and is framed by marguerites.
The ruler of the wild wolf is found in summer. Behind her blooms red foxglove.
The mistress of the idle bear is found in winter. Behind her blossoms witch hazel.
Art print / facsimile – DIN A2 (420 x 594 mm), hand-signed and supplemented as a unique piece with a small hand drawing