Involution – Evolution
Before evolution, involution must have occurred – before de-velopment, en-velopment – in the course of which the highest consciousness became lost in so-called ‘dead matter’ to then find itself again, step by step, during a subsequent evolution.
Involution and evolution each possess two aspects:
Double evolution, the development of consciousness and form, is preceded by a double involution, the reduction of consciousness down to primordial matter (to the absolute unconscious) and, parallel to this, an involution of forms and events: the first involution is that of being, the second that of becoming.
As in a double helix, these two strands are interwoven and have no temporal end. Involution, like evolution, is always taking place.
In ancient Indian thought, there are four main creative forces:
– wisdom and greatness (Mahesvari);
– power and energy as well as destruction of unfavourable forces to enable construction of the new (Mahakali);
– harmony and beauty (Mahalaksmi); and
– perfection and order; working out every last detail (Mahasarasvati).
These creative forces accompany involution and evolution and guide development from the supraphysical.>
Art Print / Facsimile – DIN A2 (420 x 594 mm), signed and limited (edition of 200)