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March, creative energy invigorates us!

tanzende Elfe mit Märzenbechern

It’s early spring! Soon the great dance of nature will begin, and we will dance along with it. Creative energy invigorates us!
New ideas are ready to be realised!

Monatsbild März, Unikat

Hand-signed art print with small original drawing
Unique Piece 42.0 x 59.4 cm

So on 3 February, a few friends and I launched the ‘Meta-Romantic’ project on the occasion of an exhibition of my drawings in Bad Sulza near Jena, the centre of early Romanticism.

We want to ‘de-kitschify’ Romanticism and give it new life, with all its absoluteness and richness of meaning.
That includes once again perceiving the world as a living, conscious whole and gaining insight into its universal connections.

From that follows artistic expression as a documentation of personal experience.
Not without reason did the Romantics insist that art should – indeed, must – accompany philosophy!

I believe the future will be exciting!

More posts from the series ‘Contemplations’: